The fine art exhibition presents unequalled pieces of art that had previously only been accessible to view by a privileged few for decades. The exhibits include a range of valuable works of art including paintings, graphics, etchings, sculptures, objects of gold- and silversmiths and numismatic relics of the episcopal collection of the Diocese of Pécs. This is where we can see the portrait of György Klimó and the significant Roman numismatic collection of this patron bishop. Previously on display in the Cathedral, the large series of paintings illustrating the life of Jesus by the Austrian born painter, Karl Atzger, in addition to a piece of art from both Hungarian painters, Bertalan Székely and Lajos Kubányi.



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Közelgő események

Férfitalálkozó Bonyhád:

2024. 12. 05. - 2024. 12. 05.

Szent Vér Báta

pp nek logo wide

pp napi evangeliumok

pp mariagyudi kegyhely
